


Carbon Sink Incentive Program

In March 2020 in San Diego, a small group of farmers decided to activate the “hub” concept and launched Foodshed Small Farm Distro and Resource Hub. Foodshed works directly with farmers, eaters, and entrepreneurs to cultivate an equitable food system in San Diego while addressing the challenges posed by the

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Useful worm comes up from the fresh earth

Soil Microbial Biomass and Respiration

Both microbial biomass and respiration are parameters used to assess soil health. Soil respiration is the measure of the carbon dioxide produced by the microbes in a given weight of soil while microbial biomass is the measure of the mass of microbes- both active and dormant.  Microbial biomass (MB) is

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Regenerating Soil Biology through Liquid Compost Extract

Over the past decades, scientific awareness and appreciation of soil microbiology in agricultural systems has dramatically expanded. Flourishing microbial communities interacting with plant root networks play a direct role in plant growth, crop nutrition, disease and pest resistance, and soil aggregate structure, leading to increased soil oxygen flow and water

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Sample School Science Project Outline

Created and performed by microBIOMETER® intern, Leanna Ramus, environmental science student at Siena College, this sample experiment is appropriate for high school and advanced middle schoolers. The research project  is designed to help students study soil health and understand the impact of soil biology on soil health and plant growth.

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Net Zero and Carbon Neutral Concepts Net Zero Emissions Goals A climate-neutral long-term strategy Ready to put wooden blocks by hand with green net center icon and green icon on gray background.

The Role of Blockchain in the Carbon Market

The rise of global carbon dioxide levels has called on countries, businesses, and organizations to set goals and limits on how much carbon emissions they can produce over the succeeding years. Several international agreements have directed more significant action, most notably the Paris Agreement governing the fight against climate change.

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Window in home interior with view of four seasons

Seasons of Soil Microbes

Seasonal dynamics are a major driver of soil microbial communities. Much like you and I, microbes are more active during some seasons, and more dormant during others. This can be attributed to the different responses microbes have to nutrient inputs, climatic conditions, and other soil properties. As there are a

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Young farmer in soybean fields

Building Microbial Communities

This is an abridged version of Dr. Judith Fitzpatrick’s talk at last December’s Acres U.S.A. Eco-Ag conference. Article also featured in the April 2022 issue of Acres U.S.A. magazine.  When a grower first goes organic, they often have one field that’s organic and, right next to it, a field that

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Spoonful of soil concept idea

Build Your Microbial Biomass

A teaspoon of healthy soil contains billions of microbes. Microbes feed the plants, strengthen their roots, and increase their yields. A plant sends signals to attract the microbes it needs at any given moment. In chemical-free agriculture, there is a good marriage between plants and microbes. In a complex, self-regulating

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