
Customer Spotlight: Omnicrobe Natural Solutions

David Bray serves as the agriculture and livestock consultant for Omnicrobe Natural Solutions, an all-natural microbial amendment, and represents the company throughout the United States. Omnicrobe Natural Solutions has performed soil tests in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas on a variety of crops. Their SOIL2 product breaks down the nutrients that

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Soil Testing Liquid Vermicompost with microBIOMETER®

Worm Power, a world leader in organic vermicompost products, helps growers improve crop yield and plant performance through increased root development and plant nutrient uptake. Worm Power’s Vermicompost Liquid Extract is shelf-stable soil amendment from liquid worm castings that have hundreds of diverse bacteria species. The company currently utilizes the

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Build Your Microbial Biomass

A teaspoon of healthy soil contains billions of microbes. Microbes feed the plants, strengthen their roots, and increase their yields. A plant sends signals to attract the microbes it needs at any given moment. In chemical-free agriculture, there is a good marriage between plants and microbes. In a complex, self-regulating

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soil fertility

The Role Microbes Play in Increasing Soil Fertility

The microbial population or microbial biomass (MB) reflects soil fertility. For over 2 million years, plants and soil microbes have worked together to create what we call fertile “soil”. How do they work together? The plant supplies the microbes with carbon rich food. The microbes then mine the soil for

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How Do Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Promote Plant Growth?

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) penetrate the root and establish little areas in plant root cells where they can exchange nutrients with the plant. AMF improves the nutrients available to the plant by collecting soil minerals such as phosphorous, nitrogen, magnesium and manganese through an extensive network of fine fibers (hyphae)

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